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About The Site

Mographics move us. There are some things that can only be communicated in motion. Cue Fuel Your Motionography, a site dedicated to everything mographics. We know that motionography goes beyond animation and flipbooks. We’re here to give you the tips and tools to nail that title sequence and to take your show reels to the next level. Looking for ways to add a new spin to post effects or VFX? You’ve rolled into the right place. FYM features articles on the latest trends and the hottest programs to check out to make you the motion master you’re meant to be. Sit back and enjoy the ride.

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About The Team

mattMatthew Carlin, Editor

Hi, I’m Matthew Carlin from Nottingham in the United Kingdom. I’ve been writing about motion graphics on Motion Design Love for a while now, as well being a Video Editor and Motion Designer by Day. I probably spend most of my waking hours either doing something with or thinking about stuff I can do with motion graphics. I’m looking forward to writing some great articles for Fuel Your Motionography; I hope you’re all looking forward to reading them!

Twitter: | Email: | Matt’s FYM articles

timmy_allenTimmy Allen, Contributor

Hello. My name is Timmy Allen. I’m a motion designer based in South Florida. I look forward to hanging out and talking with each and every one of you, then maybe someday I’ll have something impressive to say about the time I’ve spent on this planet. So far, I started a show called Keyframe TV and I’m a part of Triune Films‘ internet show Film Riot. I am blessed to say that I get to do what I love every single day for a living. I love and talking to cool people.

Twitter: | Email: | Timmy’s FYM articles

chris_biewerChris Biewer, Contributor

Chris Biewer is the lead motion graphics artist at Minneapolis based sports design studio Sportsdigita. In his free time he works on mobile app art and motion comics. Follow him on twitter @chrisreanimated

Twitter: | Email: | Chris’ FYM articles

Mike FlorioMike Florio, Contributor

Hey, my name is Mike Florio (aka mrmikeflorio). I’m a motion designer based in NYC. I’ve been lucky to work with alot of big studios and fun brands so now I’d like to share my expertise with the rest of the world. When I’m not slingin keyframes I usually on my other addictions … Coffee and Twitter. So internets fire away with your questions and lets get our nerdy/mograph/techie on.
Twitter: | Email: | Mike’ FYM articles