Adobe MAX Conference in LA – Day 1
2009 Return of the MAX Sessions
If you’re familiar with the Adobe MAX conferences, you probably know what they are all about. However, if you’re like me, and you only think you know what the Adobe MAX conference is, it’s time to make plans for your next chance to attend.
This year, I talked quite a bit about the Adobe MAX conferences. Sure, they were coming to Los Angeles Convention Center. Sure, Adobe is a sponsor of my user group in Hollywood. Sure, I’ve been in a couple of Adobe groups myself. But when the opportunity to go to the Adobe MAX conference session came up, I thought that it wouldn’t really be for me. After all, I’m really good at all of that, so it’s not for me, right? Wrong.
Adobe MAX is not just a chance to sit in sessions and learn about a specific application of a tool or scripting device, it’s a chance to meet the masterminds behind the Adobe product you are particularly fond of. It’s an opportunity to listen to some advanced users talk about what new ideas and new resources are out there which you may have overlooked. And, perhaps more importantly, you’ll have a chance to sit with people who — like you — use and have a specific affinity for Adobe software.
Flash, Javascript, and AJAX
The heart of the conferences at Adobe MAX this year are dominated by Flash, JavaScript and AJAX. There is no doubt that more designers will be looking to coders to deliver our content to the world on mobile devices. While as designers, animators and compositors, we will need to consider the possibility of content that is accessible by Flash, and those Flash developers will have to start considering us non-coders.
Introduction of Adobe Flash Catalyst
Adobe has already started to consider us code-newbies. Today, Adobe announced the launch of Adobe Flash Catalyst. In this morning’s session, we discussed the ever changing definitions of participation and collaboration. And, while some of us are designers at the core, we need to consider the potential of a wider audience and how we can ensure our designs flow from our desks to the code writers’ labs.
Flash Catalyst allows Photoshop or Illustrator work to move directly into interactive prototypes without having to write any “real” code. It can be published as is, or move into the hands of someone who knows what they’re doing with Flash to build simple interactive content or huge RIAs. If you can use Photoshop, chances are you’ll have no problem with Flash Catalyst.
Beta Release of Flash CS5
Also announced today were beta release news clips (and videos) of Flash CS5. Of course, once Adobe says “CS5″, it doesn’t matter if you are using Flash or any other product in the store, you know that the community goes crazy. Tomorrow, Adobe has more in store for their community of MAX’ers and the rest of you who couldn’t make it.
MAX is about community
Adobe is there for us, talking about work, talking about fun, talking about what’s ready to show, and; Adobe is listening to what their community of users is saying.
Forget about what you thought Adobe MAX was. It’s difficult to understand without being there. You still have 2 more days to grab a session pass and come to a panel discussion. After that, you’ll have to wait until 2010 for your next chance. This is more than connecting with the applications, it’s meeting people from South Africa, Korea, and Kansas City who all like to do the same stuff you like to do — and are really, really good at it.

Ko Maruyama is an award winning freelance animator in Los Angeles. In addition to working on film and broadcast animations, Ko teaches at Pasadena’s Art Center College of Design – focusing on motion design and 3D animation. You can also find him heading up Los Angeles’ motion graphic user group at
Wish I could attend! Hopefully next year. Flash CS5 & Catalyst looks interesting, especially since I started years ago with Authorware and Director before transitioning into Flash. We’ve come a long way in improving usability and making it much more easy for non-coders to build great interactive content. Really looking forward to Flash apps for the iPhone too.