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An Introduction to Finding a Career in Motion Graphics.

Hello, fellow motion graphics artists and enthusiasts! I hope to get to better know some of you while I attempt to write for Fuel Your Motionography. I say attempt because I would rather be making pretty pictures and video than writing. So, I am going to also make a small animation for each article, just to give myself some practice and tie it into the writing.

I have some plans for my posts here; I’m going to give away some information that I desperately wanted just a few short months ago. It’s the information every one of us seeks when building a career of any sort. It’s the information of experience.

Experience is something a future or current college student desperately seeks. I was in that position not too long ago. I had just graduated from school, with a Computer animation degree, and moved to a big city with no friends or family.  I started from scratch, in an economic depression with only my portfolio in hand (online actually, it is 2010 after all) and a sort of excitement to start my real adult life.

I do have to warn you guys, all of my posts are anecdotal. The information I will provide is simply my observations and experiences through this process of starting a career, so take it knowing it could be vastly different for every other person. I just want to start a discussion, one that will help answer questions that should haunt every new player in this game.

That being said, I guess we should start at the core, the first step, the smallest piece.

“What do you want?”

It truly is terrible that we are expected to know what we want to do with our time and money at such a young age. They ask us what we want to major in, when we have no way of possibly knowing the outcome of our decisions. I assume this whole ordeal started with good intentions, but in this day, pressure is high.

Why did you get into animation, video editing, motion graphics, or 3D of any sort?

I remember why I did. I loved CGI anything. I knew I loved it because I practiced it. Now I know you think that this is how most people find what they love, they practice it at some point and enjoy it. This is mostly true, but having completed school and worked in the field. I have watched so many people get into a career, and fall through the cracks. Of course this happens to almost everyone, nothing is as we expected when we first set out. I am just going to say now, to anyone looking at doing this kind of work, please go out and try it. Do tutorials, come up with ideas, learn the software, and learn the technique on your own time!!! I beg you to do this before you ever think of it as a career path.

We make awesome looking stuff, but it is vastly more fun to watch, than it is to create. For motionographers, it is more important you like making it, than it is for you to like watching it. So, you need to get yourself out there and try it before you ever sign up for a student loan of any kind to any school.

This I believe is the very first step, the first atom in the element of your career.

Now I need feedback from the professionals out there: tell us the exact moment your interest was sparked into going into this field. It’s always interesting to see how you came to this conclusion, and it could be very helpful to people trying to find their path. Next time I will get into the process of finding a college.

Hey guys! I like to play with 3 dimensions of space and 1 dimension of time, but unlike Einstein, I only make motion art. So I spend most of my time expressing myself in some abstract, visual way, and I have really latched onto Motion Graphics. I am a newbie here in the field, but I have a passion for the work. Feel free to if you are also a newbie or someone just looking into this awesome form of art, I always enjoy helping people out.


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