An Untapped Market
Motionographers are the difference between quality and quantity in today’s web video content.
Content Creation
These days, the web is filled with incredible amounts of video content. In every medium, from journalism to entertainment, the number of creators and consumers has massively increased, and a majority of video content is provided by the general community. Corporate production companies and mainstream media outlets are now feeling the pressure from their new competition. Some would call this, “The rise of the amateur.”
Quality vs. Quantity
When it comes to video, web is the king of quantity. Creating video for the web has become increasingly easy. With millions of content creators now producing their own video for the web, a bulk of it is very poor quality.
In today’s saturated market, well-produced quality video content is extremely important in order to float atop the infinite sea of online videos. Creators are recognizing this and spending more time and money on producing their videos to separate themselves from the masses of amateur content. This is still not enough. Businesses, start-ups and bloggers are now contracting professionals to produce and polish their content to be consumed by the masses.
Motionography is very important for content providers to be successful. A lot of them just don’t know it, or would rather cut corners. Millions are spent on marketing campaigns and social media gurus are paid ridiculous salaries. Yet, somehow one forgets what makes these videos so popular in the first place: a visual message worth sharing.
The Motionographer’s Role
This new market is a starving beast. Our role is to help turn this average content into quality content by feeding the struggling creators with slick motion intros, engaging infographics, beautiful animations and everything else necessary to establish distinct video content on the web.
So what can we do?
Never settle for mediocrity, and always strive to learn more. Pass your knowledge onto newcomers in this industry, and educate current and prospective clients. Drink plenty of whiskey water. Also:
Stay informed and ahead of the market.
- Keep an eye on Mashable’s Video lists.
- Read Advertising Age & AdAge’s MediaWorks
Be inspired.
- Check out FYM’s Curated Series
- TED: Ideas Worth Spreading
Check out these recommended job boards:
- Motionographer Jobs
- Mograph Jobs Forum
- Krop
- CGnews Job Board
- Behance Network Job Board
- Coroflot Job Board
- MediaBistro Job Listings
- Mandy Film/TV Jobs

Cody is a communication designer based out of Vancouver, BC. He fancies bikes, coffee, tech and all things design. He dreams of one day giving a TED Talk and will probably found an organization that changes the way you think about the world. You can also follow Cody on .
Pretty accurate observation, I’ve been thinking the same thing recently. High-quality properly produced content is key, but sometimes it’s a difficult differentiation to make to a client.