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When lying in bed at night, do you find yourself dreaming of creative stuff?  It’s ok, don’t be embarrassed. We won’t tell anyone. That probably just means you have a lot to say on the subject and you’re looking for the perfect way to get your information out there to the world.

We don’t mean to pat ourselves on the back, but we’re that place! The Fuel Brand Network is always on the lookout for great guest writers who also happen to be kick-butt creatives. You’ll get your name known and expand your exposure. We’ve even been told the popular kids are now bugging some FUEL writers to sit at their lunch tables. Yes, we are THAT good for your rep.

Guest Writer Guidelines

  • Posts must be original pieces, written for FUEL.
  • Guest posts cannot be republished.
  • Posts must be non-promotional. However, in return we will provide you a 50 word promotional by-line and space for a short bio that can be included at the bottom of Article.
  • If you write one article a month you will also get an extended bio under ‘authors’ on the about page with a headshot and fuel avatar.
  • Guest posts are unpaid.

How do I apply?

Please submit all requests to become a guest writer through our ‘contact’ form dropdown in the top navigation. Check the ‘Question’ box, and include your contact information, the site and the topics you would like to write about.  We always try and get back with everyone.  If we feel you are a good fit, we will get some more information from you and discuss guest writer opportunities.