FYM One Year Birthday Giveaway (Updated With Winners)
Yes, the rumors are true–Fuel Your Motionography is one year old today! It’s hard to believe we have been providing tips, tricks, news, and other knowledge-based articles for an entire year, but it is the truth. As much as I’d like to say the reason we’re still around is because of our great writing style and the massive knowledge bombs we drop, I know the real reasons is all of you. All of our thanks goes out to all of you–our faithful readers–for reading and coming back for more. You’re the reason we’re around; the reason we’ll continue to provide even more of the great content you love, and even more that you have been asking for. That’s all we need for a gift for our birthday, but how do we thank you?
How about with a simple contest?
We thought the best way to show you how much we care about you is to give you not one, not two, but three chances to win books that will help you in your quest to become the motionographer you want to be.
What Do I Win?
One first place winner will receive one brand new copy of by (This title has not yet been released. Official release date is October 11th) and one brand new copy of by Trish & Chris Meyer! Both of these books are considered by many in the industry to be essential training for anyone who aspires be in or wants to hone their skills in motion graphics and/or visual effects.
One second place winner will receive one copy of by Stu Maschwitz.
One third place winner will receive one copy of by Robert Rodriguez.
How Do I Enter?
It’s simple! Just fill out the form completely below and enter a comment telling us why you think you should be the winner. Only serious comments will be included. For example, “I really need these books in order to stay on top of the motion graphics industry” will easily win over “ROFLMAO I NEEDZ THIS BOOKZ NOWZ, LOLZ!”… You get the idea.
How Do You Choose a Winner?
The only way to be fair is to be random. After choosing the serious results out of the entries, I’ll use a random number generator to select the winners.
When Will I Know?
The contest ends midnight Central Time on Friday, October 8th. Winners will be announced Monday, October 11th.
What more do you need to know?! Post a comment below for your chance to win free books!
A big thanks goes out to everyone who entered the contest! Reading through all of the responses, I was truly impressed and humbled by your thirst for knowledge and willingness to push yourselves as far as you possibly can. Without further ado, here are the winners of our very first Birthday Giveaway.
1st – Joao Borges
2nd – Dave
3rd – StealingSand
If each of these individuals could email me at john(at)fuelyourmotionography.com with their full name and address they would like the books shipped to, I will send them out shortly. Again, thank you to everyone who entered!
“Adobe After Effects CS5 Visual Effects and Compositing Studio Techniques” published by Adobe Press, “Creating Motion Graphics with After Effects, 5th Edition, Fifth Edition: Essential and Advanced Techniques” published by Focal Press, “The DV Rebel’s Guide: An All-Digital Approach to Making Killer Action Movies on the Cheap” published by Peachpit Press, “Rebel without a Crew: Or How a 23-Year-Old Filmmaker With $7,000 Became a Hollywood Player” published by
John Kostrzewski is the Editor of Fuel Your Motionography and a freelance motion graphics and visual effects artist, videographer and writer living in Minnesota. He is awesome. Follow him on Twitter at and .
I’d REALLY benefit from these books because I’m teaching myself motion gfx while working a full-time 9-5 that’s SO not motion gfx-related.
Happy birthday, @fuelyourmotion!
Happy Birthday FYM!!!
I really think this contest will be beneficial for all of us learning to animate and create vfx.
Unfortunately I have already invested in 4 of these very wonderful prizes. But for everyone who doesn’t have them, please enter this contest and/or invest in them on your own. They are very useful indeed!
Thanks for the awesome contest, and Have a Very Happy Birthday!
Do you have the latest book by Mark Christiansen on pre-order because it doesn’t hit the shelves until October 11th? Just want to make sure you’re not bowing out of the race too early!
That would be the one I don’t have! Guess That was a typo before. I’m not bowing out. I appreciate being considered.
Hey i definetly need those books, to gain knologe and also to share, happy birhtday
I’m working on some projects for visual artwork in performances. It would be nice to learn to do more in After Effects to create new video content.
Hey Guys,
I really need these books because I will expand my motion graphics work now. I would like to gain new customers and new projects. Therefore, these books will accelerate my business chances…In addition, two friends from university and me have started an interesting project concerning motion graphics and education stuff.
Great Idea ;-)
Hey guys, I wanted to start diving into motiongraphics for a while now and I think having those books around would give me the motivation to kick my butt and finally get to it.
Hey! First of all congrats for your Bday. This is such a good website to visit. I really want those books because I want to revolutionize TV industry in my country.
I would really appreciate any of these books! It would aid me that much further on teaching my self more motion graphic skills and keeping my skills sharp since I am out if school and out of industry work right now! Happy birthday to you guys!
Oh Wow those books look all so deliciousss!!
What can I say? Since I first got interested in After Effects I’ve watched tons of free video tutorials, but never read a book (except for the help files which are quite… helpful :D) but reading a book from the PC is not something I like, the eyes get tired too soon. That’s why I stop reading all kinds of books too, there is so much info on the internet that you can never have enough of it. Anyway, I’m doing my cinematography thesis now and I’m reading a real old fashioned book, “History of the experimental cinema” by Jean Mitry (a great book by a great author) and I rediscovered the beauty of reading real books: being able to take them anywhere and easily open it and go on reading (even while walking); also you have no annoying electronic frequencies from the CPU all around you, and you don’t have to have your hand over the mouse to click to the next page all the time. Well, it’s different. You may say, if I’d have a notebook, I could go out and read laid on the park. Well, you know what. I don’t have one.
Happy birthday! I like the site’s articles and I can tell you put a lot of effort on making a friendly site, so thank you and surely FuelYourMotiongraphy will get continue growing on the years to come!
This week I was looking at a few chapters of the book (online) and loved it! It’s really a must have for any serious compositor and/or motiongrapher. They’ll certainly help me improve my skills and motivate me even more.
Oh, and happy birthday! (I’m late, I know :P )
Hey greetings from Netherlands!!
I’m only interested in The DV Rebel’s Guide, because i’m thinking of quit working with adverts and start with the cinema, so I think that it’s great for start.
I really need these books because in my country the motion graphic industry is lower than in many others and the resourses to make it grow are very expensive, so this would be a good start for me to learn and teach other people about motion graphics.
Congratulations on your first birthday!
I could really use these books for the Creative Technology study I started with about a month ago. As a poor student, unfortunately, I can’t afford to buy all the cool/helpful books out there.
Because I need urgently learn how to use After Effects!!!!!!!!!!!
Wow awesome titles, I’m fan of Robert’s work but I’m in love with AE, and those books would really help me to improve my skills and provide better motion graphics for clients and school wich equals to better grades, more happy clients and a happier me :D
Congrats on your one year birthday :)
As a graphic designer I’m always looking for new areas to expand to. Right now i’m getting into the area of video fx and animations. These books will surely add to my repertoire in an increasing competitive industry!
Both books would greatly help me improve my skills in motion graphics. Hope I can get them and expand the knowledge to everybody in my university department. Thank you for the great opportunity.
Happy Birthday Fuel your motionography!
I have the creating motion graphics book from about 8 years ago with version 4.5 & 5. I could totally benefit from having an update to those books to take advantage of all those new features in CS5 and just improve my motion design skills all together.
I would love to win one of these prizes, the best way to learn is from the Masters themselves, great books by talented people = better motion graphics by me!
Thanks for the contest Fuel
My colleagues and I would benefit from these books by giving us a resource that is always at hand. It would also be great for new employees in the motion graphics department.
I am a avid blogger and information share-er I have not done a lot of motion graphics training recently and I feel I could be falling behind. This would be a great opportunity to catchup and share some of what I learn. Also willing to plug the books. Thank you for a great resource for motion graphics artists.
I’ve just started working with After Effects again (last time was version 4!). I seriously need to brush up on my skeelz and this would help immensely. Happy Birthday!
I’d really like to have the AE Studio Techniques or the DV Rebel’s Guide. My copies were ruined in a flood back in May. Trying to get back into more After Effects work and these would really help!
Congrats on the one year anniversary and sticking with it!
Happy birthday!
I’m interested in motion and VFX as a tool for telling stories and making great movies,
As far as I know these books embrace that idea, specially Stu’s and Rodriguez, so I’m really looking forward to learn from them.
That’s why I hope to win and get a chance to finally dive deeper in the world of the DV rebels =)
Been reading the blog for a short time & love the resources you share, thanks for that!
If I win, ¿Can the books be shipped to Argentina or the contest is US only?
It’s open to everyone regardless of location!
I am mentoring some students at a local college (IUPUI) and would love to share these books with them. they are journalism students, but venturing out into the world of video production and visual storytelling. Any of these books would be a welcome and valuable resource for them.
i need mo’ skillz to my my billz!
I’m a virtual crime fighter. My enemies (and yours too, you’re just not aware of this conflict…yet) are bent on altering the timeline of reality using After Effects and bad action movie script. My only chance is to use the z space time continuum and superior knowledge of After Effects to untangle their web 2.0 of deceit.
p.s. I’m also a fan! Have both DV Rebel guide and Mark Christiansen (AE CS3 book) A signed copy pleeaase!
No promises on the signed copy, but I’ll give it a shot! Thanks for entering!
Congrats on one year :)
I would love to have any of these titles to further my education in motion graphics and no budget film making.
I do not get here often and I always wonder why not when I do. Happy Birthday!
I need these books to further my fledgling After Effects & filmmaking skills. Thanks. H.
I am just starting out now learning Motion Graphics and I could really use the help. I just bought Adobe CS5 Production Suite and not sure how to use everything yet.
I would benefit from winning these books because you should never stop learning. The curve moves so fast in this business, it is difficult to stay ahead of it. Any time you can win the tools to help you do that is a bonus. Trish, Chris, Mark, Stu and Robert are all pioneers and we can all learn something from them.
Reading a good book (by a knowledgable author such as M.Christiansen) is the best way to learn new stuff daily while on a train to the busiest place on Earth – TV station. And then back home :)
Best wishes to Your project :)
No problem! It’s a party, and everyone’s invited!