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FYM One Year Birthday Giveaway (Updated With Winners)

Yes, the rumors are true–Fuel Your Motionography is one year old today! It’s hard to believe we have been providing tips, tricks, news, and other knowledge-based articles for an entire year, but it is the truth. As much as I’d like to say the reason we’re still around is because of our great writing style and the massive knowledge bombs we drop, I know the real reasons is all of you. All of our thanks goes out to all of you–our faithful readers–for reading and coming back for more. You’re the reason we’re around; the reason we’ll continue to provide even more of the great content you love, and even more that you have been asking for. That’s all we need for a gift for our birthday, but how do we thank you?

How about with a simple contest?


We thought the best way to show you how much we care about you is to give you not one, not two, but three chances to win books that will help you in your quest to become the motionographer you want to be.

What Do I Win?

One first place winner will receive one brand new copy of by (This title has not yet been released. Official release date is October 11th) and one brand new copy of by Trish & Chris Meyer! Both of these books are considered by many in the industry to be essential training for anyone who aspires be in or wants to hone their skills in motion graphics and/or visual effects.

winOne second place winner will receive one copy of by Stu Maschwitz.


One third place winner will receive one copy of by Robert Rodriguez.


How Do I Enter?

It’s simple! Just fill out the form completely below and enter a comment telling us why you think you should be the winner. Only serious comments will be included. For example, “I really need these books in order to stay on top of the motion graphics industry” will easily win over “ROFLMAO I NEEDZ THIS BOOKZ NOWZ, LOLZ!”… You get the idea.

How Do You Choose a Winner?

The only way to be fair is to be random. After choosing the serious results out of the entries, I’ll use a random number generator to select the winners.

When Will I Know?

The contest ends midnight Central Time on Friday, October 8th. Winners will be announced Monday, October 11th.

What more do you need to know?! Post a comment below for your chance to win free books!


A big thanks goes out to everyone who entered the contest! Reading through all of the responses, I was truly impressed and humbled by your thirst for knowledge and willingness to push yourselves as far as you possibly can. Without further ado, here are the winners of our very first Birthday Giveaway.

1st – Joao Borges

2nd – Dave

3rd – StealingSand

If each of these individuals could email me at john(at)fuelyourmotionography.com with their full name and address they would like the books shipped to, I will send them out shortly. Again, thank you to everyone who entered!

“Adobe After Effects CS5 Visual Effects and Compositing Studio Techniques” published by Adobe Press, “Creating Motion Graphics with After Effects, 5th Edition, Fifth Edition: Essential and Advanced Techniques” published by Focal Press, “The DV Rebel’s Guide: An All-Digital Approach to Making Killer Action Movies on the Cheap” published by Peachpit Press, “Rebel without a Crew: Or How a 23-Year-Old Filmmaker With $7,000 Became a Hollywood Player” published by

John Kostrzewski is the Editor of Fuel Your Motionography and a freelance motion graphics and visual effects artist, videographer and writer living in Minnesota. He is awesome. Follow him on Twitter at and .


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