25 Great Podcasts You Should Download
If you’re looking to push your knowledge of a certain subject further or are just looking for a little inspiration for your work then look no further. Here are 25 excellent podcasts containing tutorials for software including After Effects, Cinema 4D, Final Cut, Motion, Illustrator and many more; interviews with industry leaders and rising stars; and industry news that can’t be missed.
If you’re a fan of Maxon’s Cinema 4D, then there’s no reason you won’t enjoy their podcast Maxon Video Quick Tip. These tiny morsels of knowledge, running anywhere from under a minute to a little over two minutes in length, will fill you in on all aspects of how to use Cinema 4D to its fullest.
Seems to be defunct as their last podcast was 05/04/09 but the episodes they do have are still good to watch.
As the title suggests, Real World Footage Effects is brought to us by the great people at Artbeats.com, and we should be thanking them for it. Bringing together the latest plugins and effects with great footage from Artbeats.com, the hosts show us how to make gorgeous projects in After Effects.
The FxFactory podcasts are excellent tutorials that show you how to create amazing projects for After Effects, Final Cut Pro and Express and Motion using the FxFactory plugin by Noise Industries. If you have the plugin, download this podcast now. If you don’t own the plugin, watch the podcast to see what you’re missing. Even if you decide not to get the plugin, the podcast has a lot of great tips and tricks that will keep you on the top of your game.
Don’t let the presentation fool you, ChurchMediaDesign.tv covers everything from video editing to background extensions to match moving for all of us. Brad Zimmerman, the host, makes it all easy to follow and fun to do.
Film Riot is an excellent show that explains how to create the effects seen in big budget feature films for cheap at home as well as reviews of the equipment you’ll need to accomplish all those feats. The tutorials are aimed at the beginner level, but don’t let that scare you. You’ll learn something along the way, and you’ll laugh until you cry along the way.
All those wonderful tutorials you see on CreativeCow.net are delivered to your iTunes library on a regular basis and instructed by some of the top motion graphics and visual effects artists in the industry. Definitely do not miss this podcast.
Richard Harrington and a few guest instructors teach you everything you need to know about the entire Final Cut Studio: Final Cut, Motion, DVD Studio, Soundtrack Pro and Compressor. A must watch for Final Cut videographers.
Anyone using Boris Continuum Complete needs to watch these podcasts in order to get the most out the plugin. Like the other Creative Cow podcasts, this is instructed by industry professionals and contains a lot of great knowledge
If you’re looking for some great tutorials covering 3D software and effects, this podcast is for you. 3D Studio Max, Maya and Cinema 4D are all included for your viewing pleasure.
You say you love 3D but you use Blender. Well, there’s a podcast for that. Creative Cow has some excellent podcasts on everything that is Blender.
One of the best ways to stay on top of the industry is to study what’s currently being produced and FXGuide.tv does just that. Covering the latest motion graphics and visual effects in film and television plus current news and software developments, this is a must-have for anyone in the industry.
Using one of Red Giant Software’s products along with the built in tools in After Effects, Final Cut and Premiere Pro; Red Giant Television brings you the greatest tutorials by industry leaders such as Aharon Rabinowitz, Harry Frank and many more.
John Dickinson from Motionworks brings us some excellent, in depth one-on-one interviews with the current greats and the newest rising stars in the motion graphics industry along with inside knowledge you can’t afford to miss.
John Dickinson and his brother Robin Dickinson team up in this great podcast that brings you interviews and discussions on the business side of things. The podcast mainly focuses on the graphic design industry, but the information is great for everyone.
An excellent podcast, Down in Front is hosted by Teague Chrystie, Michael “Dorkman” Scott, Brian Finifter, Trey Stokes and sometimes other guest hosts and provides great commentary on movies that you should see. The awesome thing is that they don’t care if it’s popular opinion, they’ll tell you the truth ,but don’t let that scare you away. You’ll have a great time listening to this podcast.
/Filmcast comes to us from the great people over at SlashFilm.com and contains some great interviews with the directors and visionaries behind some of the greatest films of today and all time. If you want to pick someones brain, this is the place to do it.
A must have for anyone in the VFX industry, The VFX Show is a discussion show among industry veterans on the latest and greatest in the world of visual effects.
Terry White and other guest hosts instruct the Adobe Creative Suite podcast that comes to us directly from Adobe. Containing knowledge on everything from editing DSLR video to creating ePUB documents to dodging and burning in Photoshop, this podcast has a little bit for everyone.
Seems to be defunct as the last podcast aired 12/19/09
If you’re just starting out with any of the Adobe products, this is the podcast for you. Dennis Radeke will walk you through step-by-step each of their products giving you valuable knowledge along the way.
Lynda.com is an invaluable resource in your quest for knowledge, and this podcast delivers it right to you. All of the latest and greatest free tutorials instructed by industry veterans and released by Lynda.com will help you push your skills to the limit in multiple categories.
Another great podcast to do with, as the title suggests, everything Adobe, Layers.tv has some solid knowledge on all Adobe software. Though it may not be as in depth as the others, it still has some good tips and tricks up it’s sleeve.
Though this instance of freelance radio is six feet under, you can still catch a different version of Freelance Radio by going here.
One of the greatest websites on freelance work also produces one of the best podcasts as well. Freelance radio gives you great advice to get your freelance business running smoothly and interviews that will inspire.
Dead in the water as of 11/02/08
Interviews, news plus tips and tricks are all commonplace on Plugged-in, an excellent podcast brought to you by Toolfarm.com.
Deceased as of 05/05/09
Workflow junkies was created for the video editor in all of us. They have great tips and tricks on how to improve your workflow in all your work as well as excellent interviews and news on the latest software developments in the industry.
Design Chat is hosted by Ryan McGovern and holds interviews once a week with those heavy hitters in the design industry, and even though it’s more focused on design, it’s still an excellent podcast for everyone.

John Kostrzewski is the Editor of Fuel Your Motionography and a freelance motion graphics and visual effects artist, videographer and writer living in Minnesota. He is awesome. Follow him on Twitter at and .
Thanks for including me in this great round up, I follow most of these podcast and they are all great!
Thank you for consistently putting out such a great podcast!
There are a lot of podcasts to search through, but when you begin to filter them out by currently updated, quality content and good production value, great podcasts such as yours rise to the top.
I’m glad that you’re sticking around and I look forward to many excellent podcasts in the future!
Hey may I reference some of the information here in this entry if I provide a link back to your site?
Of course you can, Gail! We’re here to share the knowledge. And yes, please link back to our source material for proper recognition. Thanks for asking!
Should have included the Joe Rogan Experience! Its brilliant.
Thank you for this great list, these are indeed some really great ones, and I look forward to following some new ones you have mentioned I don’t already follow! Cheers!
Some old favourites and some new discoveries. Thanks for putting together such a great list of resources and inspiration.