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Is Everything Looking the Same?

In recent years, with have seen an abundance of motion graphics products and presets being released such as Cinema 4D products and the rise of motion graphics market place Video Hive. These have all proved to be very popular with the motion graphics community, but, with this, have thing started to look the same?


I neither agree nor disagree with my own question, but i certainly think it’s something that the motion graphics community should think about.  I’ve seen the same question raised by a few people in the community as well.

Don’t get me wrong, I think that some of the products are fantastic–I’ve certainly used them–but are we in danger of things looking the same?

Is this because some motion graphics designers are lazy or is it because clients are demanding more for less money, so, as motion designers, we need to find ways create more quality in a shorter amount of time?


Shouldn’t we be using these products as starting points and then trying to create something new?

Are we also in danger of losing the craft of creating motion graphics from scratch such as creating graphics from scratch, learning how to texture and learning how to animate?

I guess this kind of problem exists more for motion designers who tend to work with the lower budgets clients rather than the multi-national companies of the world. Should we be standing up and charging more or will the client just go to the next motion designer who’s prepared to charge less because they’re just going to use presets.

What do you think? Is everything looking the same?

Hi, I’m Matthew Carlin from Nottingham in the United Kingdom. I’ve been writing about motion graphics on Motion Design Love for a while now, as well being a Video Editor and Motion Designer by Day. I probably spend most of my waking hours either doing something with motion graphics or thinking about stuff I can do with motion graphics. I’m looking forward to writing some great articles for Fuel Your Motionography, I hope you’re all looking forward to reading them!


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