Your Chance To Interview Kook Ewo, Title Sequence Designer
Here at Fuel Your Motionography we are trying to bring you the information you want the most in the form of tutorials, articles, news and interviews. Of course, we aren’t mind readers so we can’t think of everything that you want to read or every question you want to ask… until now.

Kook Ewo has worked on the title sequences for Splice, Silent Hill and Fracture, among many others.
We are trying something new here at FYM! Google Moderator allows anyone with a Google account to log in, post questions and vote up or down other questions if you like or dislike them. This allows you, the reader, to finally be in control!
We have an upcoming interview with Title Sequence Designer and Director, Kook Ewo (Splice, Silent Hill, Fracture), and we need your help! If you’re not familiar with his work, go check it out ( then come back here and post some questions and vote up or down other questions you like or dislike. Now is the time to finally ask a professional in the biz what you’ve always wanted to know! I’ll send him the top ten highest rated questions submitted (along with our usual questions) so !
The deadline for posting and voting on questions is one week so get them in before July 9th! You will need a Google account in order to access the site. If you do not have one (and don’t want to create one) you can Direct Message me on Twitter () or email me the question at and I’ll post the question on the board. Only serious submissions will be accepted.
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