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Quick Tip – Adobe Shortcut App

This application is no longer being developed. Please check out the Keybox app for your iPhone/iPod, or use the Adobe Online Help files.

We all know that shortcuts save you time when working on a project (they are called shortcuts for a reason, after all), but keeping multiple key combinations in your head for all the software you use can be a daunting task. Let me introduce you to the Adobe Shortcut App.

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It’s been around since August of 2009, but this little beauty is still worth mentioning. It contains all the shortcuts you will need to know for the entire Adobe Creative Suite from After Effects to SoundBooth, even Acrobat. All the shortcuts are updated to the latest release (CS5), and it contains shortcuts for both the PC and Mac versions. If you feel the need, there are links to download the PDF versions so you can take them with you where ever you go. Save yourself the headaches and download this app. It’s free, saves you time searching the help menus or Google and couldn’t be easier!

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John Kostrzewski is the Editor of Fuel Your Motionography and a freelance motion graphics and visual effects artist, videographer and writer living in Minnesota. He is awesome. Follow him on Twitter at and .


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