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Script Frenzy 2011


Do you love writing for the visual medium (screenplays, stage plays, TV shows, short films, graphic novels, etc.), but you can never seem to find the time to actually sit down and write? Perhaps you will want to take a peek at Script Frenzy.

ScriptFrenzy.org is a website built on the simple idea of giving writers a community in which to write in. There’s no fancy award when your script is finished (except a nice web icon), no entry fee, and no bull. There’s just the challenge of completing your script during the thirty days of April. So, why do thousands of writers from all around the world come together in an attempt to write their scripts? Part of it is Script Frenzy allows anyone to enter regardless of age or financial backing. Part of it is because they have one of the largest communities dedicated to writing, and that their forums are always populated with writers of all skill levels willing to help in a time of need. Part of it is because it’s just so much fun!

Popularity of the contest has gotten so big that local writing groups have started forming in cities all around the world dedicated to giving contestants a quiet place to go to finish their scripts and network with other writers so you won’t have to work through your script alone. After you finish your script, the forums have a wealth of information on what to do with that stack of papers (or chunk of kilobytes) from revising to selling.

If you’ve had an idea rolling around your head for a script but could never find the time, sign up at Script Frenzy (it’s free) and make room in April to finally get that script done! The contest begins April 1st and goes all through the month. You can enter at any time, but you have to be done by the end of the month so get cracking!

John Kostrzewski is the Editor of Fuel Your Motionography and a freelance motion graphics and visual effects artist, videographer and writer living in Minnesota. He is awesome. Follow him on Twitter at and .


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