Remix Challenge: The Interactive Open
The Interactive Open challenges Artists and Developers to use the open-source content from Sita Sings The Blues to make something new.
There will be a Gallery Showing of works with hands-on stations at The Grassy Knoll Gallery in Portland, Oregon from 7pm-9pm on Thursday, October 29th. If you can’t meet the deadline – make something anyway! There will be an online gallery to feature all works as they are completed.

Sita Cries a River in The Greatest Break-Up Story Ever Told
The only rules:
- The final piece must have some sort of audience interaction, and be playable in a web browser.
- You must release the source code under the same license as the content (CC-BY-SA)
You can leave comments, questions and works-in-progress on the official page: The Interactive Open

Surya Buchwald aka Momo the Monster is a Designer/Developer of Motion Graphics and Interactive Media. His specialty is building fun, hands-on systems for live Visual Performance. He runs MMMLabs from his home in Portland, Oregon. You can also follow Surya on .
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