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Win A Copy of Keybox AE / C4D (updated with winners)

Thanks to all who entered our contest! I really wish we could give out codes to everyone, but at $1, you can’t go wrong investing in a copy out of your own pocket. Without further ado, here are the winners!

Keybox AE

Keybox C4D

The great guys over at Keybox, Brett Morris and Patrick Teen, are teaming up with Fuel Your Motionography for a chance to give away ten copies of their excellent iPhone apps, Keybox AE and Keybox C4D!

If you are unfamiliar with these apps, you can check out our recent review of the product in the article Help is in the Keybox. For short, the apps are amazing time savers that help you easily find keyboard shortcuts for either After Effects or Cinema 4D in a multitude of ways.

The Details

We will be giving away a total of five copies of Keybox AE and five copies of Keybox C4D. To win a copy, do the following:

  • Follow both and on Twitter
  • Tweet the following to win Keybox AE: Want a chance to win Keybox AE? @fuelyourmotion and @keyboxapp are doing just that! Go here for a chance to win yours http://fuel.bz/Sql
  • Tweet the following to win Keybox C4D: Want a chance to win Keybox C4D? @fuelyourmotion and @keyboxapp are doing just that! Go here for a chance to win yours http://fuel.bz/Sql

The winners will be chosen at random out of the entrants who successfully fulfilled the requirements. You can only win one version of the apps (AE or C4D), so choose wisely. If you tweet both messages, I will assume the first is the one you want to win. I will contact the winners through DM on Twitter to give the code and information on how you can get your free copy of Keybox!

The contest ends on May 8th with winners announced the 9th.That said, have fun and start tweeting!

John Kostrzewski is the Editor of Fuel Your Motionography and a freelance motion graphics and visual effects artist, videographer and writer living in Minnesota. He is awesome. Follow him on Twitter at and .


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