Feature Friday #13
It’s Feature Friday here at Fuel Your Motionography. This week we have a great animation called Escape and some great cinematography from St. Lucia – Before The Dive. Enjoy.
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For our senior thesis, we joined forces to create a short animated piece titled Escape*. It follows the journey of a young superhero named Stanley as he performs his daily duties in his clean underwear and beloved red cape.
We've been trying to do something story driven for a lonnngg time and our senior project was the perfect opportunity. We knew from the beginning that this was going to be an ambitious project. The thought of animating abstract shapes morphing into more abstract shapes crossed our mind, but we wanted to do something crazy and memorable for our last project as college kids.
After a brainstorming session that comprised of us literally blurting out any word that popped into our heads, we settled on "superhero". From there, Stanley was born. Well, not literally after. It took some time to capture that adorable, lovable kid. Had we realized earlier that Stanley looked like us, it would've made it a whole lot easier just to do a combined self-portrait from the beginning. But when is it ever That easy?
A lot of love and labor went into this project and we really hope you enjoy it. Because despite all the long nights, the disagreements, the amount of caffeine and drive-thru tacos that were consumed, Stanley is our hero and we hope he is yours too.
Design / Illustration / Animation by Isaac Park & Sara Shin
Music: Sing Sing Sing by Benny Goodman
Isaac Park: www.isaacpark.tv
Sara Shin: www.sarashin.tv
St. Lucia – Before The Dive
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Directed by: Elliott Sellers
Co-directed by: Carlos Lopez Estrada
AD: Bryan Dos Reis
Cinematography by: Elliott Sellers
Gaffer: Charlie Balch
Animation by: Cameron Clark
Edited & Colored by: Elliott Sellers
Executive Producer: Danielle Hinde
Prod. Companies: Doomsday/The Masses
Headless Friends: Grant Leuchtner & Katie Bunn

Hi, I’m from Nottingham in the United Kingdom. I’ve been writing about motion graphics on Motion Design Love for a while now, as well being a Video Editor and Motion Designer by Day. I probably spend most of my waking hours either doing something with motion graphics or thinking about stuff I can do with motion graphics. I’m looking forward to writing some great articles for Fuel Your Motionography, I hope you’re all looking forward to reading them!
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