Is the Future of AE and 3D Here?
I remember when I was just learning Cinema 4D and more specifically the integration between C4D and After Effects. I was pretty excited when I saw the powerful ways they played together. But there was still that thought in the back of my head:
“What if you could actually bring in TRUE 3D objects into AE, now that would be sweet.”
No matter how well C4D or other programs integrate with After Effects, the truth is that the files you bring in are flat. The camera move is locked and you can’t do anything with it or your audience will instantly be plucked from your visual world when they see the objects turning so sickeningly flat. They will feel cheated, as well they should! There are some ways to achieve 3D in After Effects, such as the old trick of duplicating numerous layers and pushing them back in z-space. Also, Photoshop’s recent additions include 3D layers where you can use 3D objects in Photoshop and bring them into AE. These methods are really workarounds and trickery, each with their set of problems. After Effects can do 3D space, but it is not designed to make 3D objects. The standard workflow has always been to make 3D objects in a 3D program, create the camera move, then export a flattened image with buffers and mattes to do all the compositing in AE.
The world is changing however. These dreams of true 3D objects in AE that react to camera moves and mesh deformations and reflections is coming closer as the future of progressive technology in our industry moves towards us at a frightening speed.
The upcoming release of the plugin “Element” by Andrew Kramer at is one giant step in the right direction. It’s hard to watch the promo for Element and not get excited. The video boasts the ability to import a true 3D object, brought in from any 3D program, in the .ojb format. This object, when imported, now has many features you can change that are similar to a true 3D program. You can modify reflections easily (including fresnel reflections), modify the actual mesh of the object with noise deforming, add true 3D fog, and light the object in a true sense.
The main point for me, however, is the fact that you can set up your timing, your camera moves and your compositing anyway you want and tweak it to your hearts content. The possibilities make my head spin. Being able to composite the 3D model at the same time as modifying your camera moves, lighting and texturing, all in After Effects is quite mind blowing.
Now, of course this is just a demo video, and the reality of the plugin still must be tested. Element is designed as a particle based system, but Andrew Kramer also hinted that you could use it easily with 3D text and other objects. If it lives up to the hype, then this will absolutely revolutionize the way we can work between 3D software and AE. Keep your eye out for Element, and we’ll see if this will be the game changer that it has the possibility of becoming.
This is an excited time in our industry. It certainly can be overwhelming to keep up with all the changes, but at the end of the day, if you look back and think about all the things you used to say to yourself: “Man, I wish we could do this,” and “Man, this feature would be so nice right now!” Well, those things are all happening! And I for one, am pumped up to be in this industry as we move forward towards the goal of having more freedom to create while spending less time fighting software into submission. Make sure to check out the Element demo video here:
Here’s to the future!

My name is Joren Kandel and I’m a motion designer in Minneapolis, MN. I run a website for free AE and C4D training and resources which you can check out at The Pixel Lab. You can also find me on or on . Feel free to e-mail me anytime at .
This may not be the future, but it is certainly an evolutionary step forward!
I can’t wait for this plug-in!!
VideoCopilot does amazing work! And their products are a life saver! In fact, everything I know of AE I learned from Andrew Kramer’s tutorials. If you don’t know AE yet, and you want to learn, or just improve, check out!