Letter From the Editor – October 2011
Hello October!
The change of seasons is upon us once again; this time we welcome in Autumn. We get to watch as the leaves turn to beautiful shades of yellow, red and everything in between; the air begins to cool and the geese make their journey southward for warmer climates. At least, in my neck of the woods.
As if adapting to the changes around us, Fuel Your Motionography is changing as well. This month, we are turning two years old! Yes, we have been publishing articles for a full 2 years, and we are still going strong. Although we aren’t celebrating with the same hoopla as our first birthday, it doesn’t mean we are any less happy or grateful. We can’t express how much it means to all of us that for the last two years all of you come here to read the articles we put forth, you continue to come back and you continue to comment and stay in contact with all of us. For that, we are both happy and grateful. For that, we thank you.
Of course, there are other changes taking place this month. Today I am officially announcing that I am stepping down as Editor of Fuel Your Motionography. Life has been hectic lately and trying to balance FYM on top of all that is going on has proven to be more than I can handle, so instead of letting the quality and output of articles degrade, I decided to hand over editorial duties to more capable hands. I had a great time working with all of the writers here at FYM, sharing my knowledge and, of course, meeting all of you and reading your comments over the years. Who knows, when things settle down I may even be back.
The good news is the site will still be running strong. Matthew Carlin is moving up to the position of editor! He has done a great job on all his articles on Fuel Your Motionography as well as juggling all the duties of his other website, Motion Design Love. And he’s just a great guy all around. I have complete faith that he will continue to push FYM forward in the best direction possible. Congratulations Matt!
Now would be as good of a time as any to mention Chris Biewer is joining the team! Chris is a motion graphics designer originally from Fargo, North Dakota who’s now working around the Minneapolis, Minnesota area. Welcome Chris, I hope you feel at home here as I have for the last two years.
Of course, we should also remember the ones who have written here in the past, both new and old, as they had a hand in making FYM what it is today. Everybody from the first Editor, Michael John, to the contributing and guest writers Faye Brown, Cody Jones, Robert Mills, Drew Wiltsey, Christy Lai, Sebastian Diester, Surya Buchwald, Ko Maruyama, Jamie Peterson, Justin Younger, Jeffrey Saunders and anybody else I may have left out. Thank you all for everything you have done.
Of course, we’ll still have the great talents of Timmy Allen, Joren Kandel, Matthew Carlin and (now) Chris Biewer bringing us great new content each month, and all of you who dare join us and share your knowledge with the world. This website will continue to grow and evolve into something bigger and better than before.
Oh, and now would be as good of a time as any to tell all of you that Tinder is coming. What is Tinder? Well, it’s a sexy new way to discover, subscribe to, read and manage the webs best publications. Let’s be real here, I’m not going to tell you any more than that. Besides, it’s super secret anyway. I can tell you it is something you will want to keep on your radar. Besides that, you’ll just have to wait and see. I bet I had you for a minute though. so definitely keep an eye on that when it’s finally here.
All said, remember to keep learning, have fun doing it and come back to this website and all others like it for some great tips, tutorials and news along the way. I know I will.

John Kostrzewski is the Editor of Fuel Your Motionography and a freelance motion graphics and visual effects artist, videographer and writer living in Minnesota. He is awesome. Follow him on Twitter at and .
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